
  • 6 ounces (168 g) butter
  • 8 large onions (or 12 small onions), thinly sliced
  • 2 ounces (56 ml) port
  • 2 ounces (56 ml) balsamic Vinegar
  • 2 quarts (2.2 liters) dark chicken stock
  • 4 ounces (112 g) slab bacon, cut in 1/2-inch (1-cm) cubes
  • 1 bouquet garni
  • Salt and pepper
  • 16 baguette croutons (sliced and toasted in the oven with a little olive oil)
  • 12 ounces (340 g) grated Gruyere cheese (real, imported Gruyere!)
  • Large, heavy-bottomed pot
  • Wooden spoon
  • Ladle
  • 8 ovenproof soup crocks (Restaurant supply shops sell these by the hundreds. Be sure to use ovenproof.)
  • Propane torch (optional)


  • In the large pot, heat the butter over medium heat until it is melted and begins to brown.
  • Add the onions and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until they are soft and browned (about 20 minutes).
  • Onion soup, unsurprisingly, is all about the onions.
  • Make damn sure the onions are a nice, dark, even brown color.
  • Increase the heat to medium high and stir in the port and the vinegar, scraping all that brown goodness from the bottom of the pot into the liquid.
  • Add the chicken stock.
  • Add the bacon and bouquet garni and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce to a simmer, season with salt and pepper, and cook for 45 minutes to an hour, skimming any foam off the top with the ladle.
  • Remove the bouquet garni.
  • When the soup is finished cooking, ladle it into the individual crocks.
  • Float two croutons side by side on top of each.
  • Spread a generous, even heaping amount of cheese over the top of the soup.
  • You want some extra to hang over the edges, as the crispy, near-burnt stuff that sticks to the outer sides of the crocks once it comes out from under the heat is often the best part.
  • Place each crock under a preheated, rip-roaring broiler until the cheese melts, bubbles, browns, and even scorches slightly in spots.
  • The finished cheese should be a panorama of molten brown hues ranging from golden brown to dark brown to a few black spots where the cheese blistered and burned.
  • Serve immediatelyand carefully.
  • You dont know pain until youve spilled one of these things in your lap.
  • If your broiler is too small or too weak to pull this off, you can try it in a preheated 425F (220C) oven until melted.
  • A nice optional move: Once the mound of grated cheese starts to flatten out in the oven, remove each crock and, with a propane torch, blast the cheese until you get the colors you want.
  • Your broiler sucks.
  • Your oven isnt much better.
  • Cant find those ovenproof crocks anywhere.
  • And you aint ponying up for a damn propane torch, cause your kids got pyromaniac tendencies.
  • You can simply toast cheese over the croutons on a sheet pan, and float them as garnish on the soup.
  • Not exactly classicbut still good.
  • This is a very handy-dandy piece of equipment, especially if your stove is not the greatest.
  • Nearly all professional kitchens have them; theyre not very expensive and they can be used for a variety of sneaky tasks, such as easily caramelizing the top of creme brulee or toasting meringues.