Download Roasted turkey roll - Poultry
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  • 1 x 4-5kg turkey buffe
  • 200g butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped finely
  • zest of 1 large lemon
  • 4 tbsp chopped herbs (a mixture of parsley, tarragon and chives is ideal)
  • sea salt
  • freshly ground pepper
  • For stock:
  • 2 carrots, roughly chopped
  • 2 sticks celery, roughly chopped
  • 2 onions, roughly chopped
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 tsp peppercorns
  • sprig of thyme


The aim of this exercise is to remove the skin from the meat, which is then used as a wrap for the turkey breasts. The breasts then need to be removed from the bones. Ease the skin from the buffe, trying not to tear it. Your fingers will do most of the work. Scrape away any excess fat deposits on the inside of the skin. Remove the two breast fillets (each will weigh around 1.2kg). Taking off the breast fillets is really very easy: ease the breast fillets away from the bone using your fingers and a small sharp knife.

Use the carcass to make a light stock: cover the bones, vegetables, bay leaf, thyme and peppercorns with cold water. Simmer for two to three hours. Strain and refrigerate until needed.

Melt the butter with the garlic, stirring, and remove from the heat as soon as the garlic smells fragrant and before it starts to brown. Add the zest of lemon. Spread the skin out on your work surface, the outside down. Brush with garlic butter. Lay one fillet on the skin. Season well with salt and pepper and brush liberally with garlic butter.

Scatter over the herbs. Season the second fillet, brush its underside with garlic butter and position it with the fat end over the skinnier end of the first fillet. Finish with more butter. Pull up the skin to form a fat roll and tie the roll securely with string at 5cm intervals.

Wrap the entire roll in a large, doubled sheet of foil and place in a suitably sized baking dish. Refrigerate until ready to cook. Preheat oven to 200C and roast for half an hour. Reduce heat to 180C and cook for a further 45 minutes. To check that it's ready, insert a thin skewer. The juices that run out should be clear, not pink. Remove the roll to a warm platter to rest, pour off excess fat, then cover it with foil.

Deglaze the pan with a generous cup of stock. Allow it to reduce until it becomes syrupy. Keep it warm until you are ready to serve, when the syrupy sauce can be poured over the carrots and peas  and all then used as a sauce for the turkey.