
  • 24 clams
  • 1/2 cup white wine I used more
  • red pepper Sprinkle of
  • 4 garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup olive oil or so of
  • 1 juice from fresh lemon
  • fresh parsley
  • linguine - buy it fresh or make it if you are that talented


  • Tip the white wine in a large pot and add clams. As the wine heats up the clams should start to open.
  • Remove any clams that open so they won't overcook as the slow ones take their time simmering open. Discard any clam that does not open.
  • When the clams are all done and sitting in their own bowl, awaiting their date with hot fresh linguine, pour the leftover clam/wine juice through a coffee strainer. Set your clam juice aside.
  • NOTE: Make sure you put your coffee filter over a small strainer or you'll spill clam juice as you try and juggle the filter, the hot skillet of clam juice and your (guaranteed) burning hand. (Yes, I received the Corky Award for this maneuver)
  • Meanwhile, get that stock pot of water on the boil for your linguine.
  • In a frying pan, pour in about a 1/2 cup of olive oil. Once heated a bit place the chopped garlic into the pan. Once the garlic is slightly soft but not over browned, sprinkle a small amount of red pepper and lemon juice. Now add some of that clam juice.
  • Remove from heat and place drained linguine into this mixture. Toss it around, get the pasta juicy, flavored with garlic and olive oil and clam juice.
  • Place in a serving bowl and add clams and parsley.