
  • 3 slice whole wheat bread
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tbsp ap flour
  • 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 3 scoop of vanilla icecream
  • 3 mints leaves for garnish
  • 1 chocolate syrups for decorate
  • 1 icing for topping
  • 40 grams butter ,seperate 20 grams for eggs mixture and 20 grm to fry


  • Cut the edge of 3 pieces of bread
  • Cut each bread into 4 pieces equally
  • Whisk egg,sugar,milk,vanilla ,flour,butter
  • Heat fry pan with little butter ,dip bread into egg mixture
  • Fry on low heat until light gold,then flip
  • Arrange to serving plate ,4 pieces per person or more as you desire
  • Serve with vanilla icecream ,drizzle chocolate,sprinkel some icing on top,garnish with mints :)