Categories:Viewed: 83 - Published at: 10 years ago


  • 5 to 8 cloves of garlic, depending on your taste and the size of your hunk of cow.
  • Kosher salt. The more the merrier. Say 2 to 3 tablespoons. How high is your blood pressure?
  • Freshly ground black pepper. Again, lots. When you think you've ground enough, grind some more.
  • Olive oil. Don't measure, just pour a bunch in there. If it's not enough, pour more. Don't be a pussy.
  • Big honkin' eye of round roast. 5 - 6 pounds and don't even think about cutting the fat off.


  • Take the meat out of the fridge and slap it in a dish.
  • Put on some rock and roll.
  • Something nice and big and chunky, say Georgia Satellites, Skynyrd, AC/DC, Goddo, Mettalica, Sex Pistols along those lines.
  • Throw the garlic, salt, pepper,and olive oil in a mini food processor and grind it into a paste.
  • If its too dry, pour in a bit more olive oil.
  • If its too wet, throw in more of the dry stuff.
  • If youre old school, use a mortar and pestle.
  • Then rub that shit all over the beef.
  • Coat that bastard well and really rub it in.
  • Then let it sit out for 20 minutes or so to reach room/parking lot temperature.
  • Get your nice and hot.
  • Either charcoal or gas will do.
  • Slap the beef on the and sear on all sides.
  • Then slide all the charcoal over to one side and put the beef on the opposite side and close the lid.
  • If youre using gas, place the beef over the middle burner and turn it off.
  • The left and right burners should be on high.
  • Leave it there, turning occasionally for 45 minutes to an hour.
  • Now, eye of round is a very lean cut of beef, so you need to take it off around medium, say 140 degrees internal temp.
  • Then tent it in foil and let it sit for 15 min.
  • or so .
  • Slice that bastard as thin as you can.
  • If you have a meat slicer, perfect.
  • If not, make sure youve got a really sharp knife.
  • And none of this stamped steel nonsense, either.
  • I want a good forged steel blade, a full tang, and no whining!
  • Try to catch as much of the juice as you can while youre slicing.
  • Next, pick out a nice, crispy, garlicky outside slice and eat it.
  • While your eyes roll back into your head in sublime ecstasy, say a quick prayer of thanks that the noble cow is walking this earth.
  • Throw the sliced beef in a big metal bowl along with any juices, and add some sauce.
  • I kinda like Stubbs, my wife likes Dianna, you use whatever the Hell you like.
  • Mix it all up and slap it on buns.
  • You want the ratio to be pretty beef-heavy, say twice as much beef as there is bun.
  • Now, as for the buns, go with what you like.
  • Personally, I like whole wheat, and dont give me any shit about yuppies and Whole Foods, you bastards.
  • Your great grandparents ate whole wheat cause thats all there was.
  • Its real food.
  • Some effeminate, wigged, French aristocrat came up with the idea of taking out all the good stuff and bleaching the flour to make it white.
  • Real men eat whole wheat, pussies eat bleached white bread.
  • End of story.
  • Oh, and if you want, slap some coleslaw on top of the beef.
  • I dont have a recipe for it so youll have to look elsewhere.
  • Or you could buy it, but its pretty tough to buy good coleslaw these days.