
  • 1 10oz pkg Rice Noodles cooked
  • 8 large Scallops (cut into 1/2" strips
  • 1 cup brocolli crowns in small pieces
  • 6 baby carrots cut into (julienne strips 1/4")
  • 1 bunch green onions (chopped
  • 5 dried apricots (chopped into 1/4 inch cubes
  • 4 Tbs sesame oil
  • 2 Tbs sesame seeds
  • 1 6oz jar peanut sauce
  • chili peppers to taste


  • Prepare rice noodles and set aside. Saute Onions, carrots and brocolli in sesame oil and set aside. Heat sesame oil and add scallops until cooked. Remove from pan and add peanut sauce stirring to melt, then add all ingredients into pan (with exception of scallops and rice noodles) toss to coat until just heated. Now add scallops and rice noodles and toss till heated and coated. Remove from heat and serve immediately.