Categories:Viewed: 38 - Published at: 5 years ago


  • 1 cup flour Besan, chick pea
  • 1/2 cup ghee Clarified Butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon milk spoon
  • 1 tea spoon ghee
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • sliced almond to garnish


  • 1. Let's prepare besan flour first. Add 1 tb spoon milk and 1 tsp ghee in to the besan flour.
  • 2. Mix all together nicely and rub in between the palm to make sure there is no lumps remain. All you need is grainy texture.
  • 3. Take a sieve with a big hole and rub the besan flour on the sieve with very little bit pressure.
  • 4. you will get very nice grainy texture flour.
  • ( if you don't want to go through the whole procedure, you can buy ready made 'laddu besan' flour from market.)
  • 5. Heat ghee on a pan and add besan flour in it.
  • 6. Keep the heat on mid to low flame and stir continuous.
  • 7. After 10-15 min of stirring you will see the ghee is coming out of the flour and your flour is very light and fluffy. That is the sign of you flour is done.
  • 8. Switch off the heat and stir it gently to cool it down.
  • 9. Now, add sugar in it. Make sure the mixture should not be very hot.
  • 10. Add Cardenas powder to the mixture. and pour it into an ungreased plate.
  • 11. Garnish with sliced almond and let it cool down. ( you can put it into the refrigerator to cool down)
  • 12. After half and hour take it out from the refrigerator and make a square pieces with knife.
  • 13. Take out the pieces from the plate gently. First line will not come out that good but after that you can take all the pieces will come out easily.