
  • 2 lbs (.9 kg). to 3 lbs (1.4 kg). carrots
  • 1 small bunch celery
  • 1 large cauliflower
  • 1 lb (.5 kg). small white onions
  • 1 cup (225 ml) salt
  • 4 quarts (3775 ml) cold water
  • 2 quarts (1900 ml) white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) mustard seed
  • 2 Tbsp (30 ml). celery seed
  • 1/2 tsp (2 ml). red pepper flakes
  • 2-1/2 cups (600 ml) sugar
  • 3 cups (700 ml) small green cherry tomatoes (optional)
  • 2 large zucchini squash, peeled, cut lengthwise twice, then into 1 1/2-inch pieces (optional)


  • Cut carrots in half lengthwise, then into 1 1/2-inch
  • pieces.
  • Cut celery in same way.
  • Break cauliflower into 1 1/2-inch thick flowerets; trim stems.
  • Peel onions.
  • In a bowl dissolve salt in water.
  • Add vegetables, cover and refrigerate for 12 to 18 hours, then drain.
  • Rinse vegetables in cold water and drain again.
  • Combine vinegar, mustard seed, celery seed, pepper and sugar in 6 quarts (5675 ml) stainless or enamel pan.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Boil for 3 minutes.
  • Add vegetables; reduce heat and cook until vegetables are almost tender, about 10 minutes.
  • Pack in hot pint jars.
  • Wipe rim, attach lid.
  • Set jars on folded towel away from drafts.
  • Let cool.