Categories:Viewed: 12 - Published at: 5 years ago


  • 6 C. sugar
  • 6 Tbsp. white Karo
  • 2 C. heavy cream
  • Red and green cherries
  • Pecans
  • Semi-sweet chocolate


  • Cook to 238 degrees. Stir cream and sugar and Karo well. Start on medium high heat until boil; then turn down. Cook on medium low heat without stirring. Have a marble slab 20x18 inches or 24x24 inch cold and buttered top. Cut up fine, red and green cherries and pecans. Pour boiling mixture on marble slab. When warm to the touch, work with greased butter paddle until thick and creamy. Add fruit and nuts, and work with hands until like dough. Shape and cool. Cover with semi-sweet chocolate.