
  • 1/2 lb butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and cut into matchsticks
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped
  • 1/2 None red chili, halved, deseeded and chopped finely
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1/4 cup slivered almonds
  • 1/4 lb mixed salad greens
  • 1 large carrot, peeled and cut into long thin strips
  • 1/4 None red apple, cored and cut into thin wedges
  • 1 medium egg, hardboiled, peeled and halved
  • 2 tbsp sprouts (any kind)


  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the squash, garlic and chili for 5-7 mins over low heat. Remove from heat and cool. Roast the almonds in a dry pan for 2 mins.
  • Arrange all the ingredients on a bed of salad greens and garnish with the sprouts.