Download Whiting cooked in a paper bag - in cartoccio - Seafood
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  • Allow one whole sand whiting per person
  • a large piece of parchment paper or foil
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • a few thin slices of tomato
  • 2 or 3 stems of thyme.
  • chopped parsley
  • chopped garlic
  • salt and pepper


Allow one whole sand whiting per person - thoroughly scaled and gutted. You'll need a large piece of parchment paper or foil (double it over if using foil) to wrap the fish. The piece should be large enough that when you enclose the fish there is plenty of air space at the top.

Lay it flat and put some extra virgin olive oil onto the sheet. Next, put a few thin slices of tomato and two or three stems of thyme. Season with salt and pepper. Lay the whiting on top, sprinkle liberally with chopped parsley and some chopped garlic. Pour a little more olive oil on the fish and season with salt and pepper. Seal the package by folding over the paper or foil very tightly at the top. Make sure it is well sealed so the steam stays inside.

Put the package on a tray and into a preheated 250C oven for 15 minutes. When the package puffs up, you know the fish is cooked.

To serve 

Serve immediately, opening on a plate at the table so your guests can smell the wonderful aroma