
  • 1 ea. 8 oz. Venison Loin
  • 1 ea. Puff Pastry Sheet
  • 2 oz. Morel Mushrooms
  • 2 oz. Oyster Mushrooms
  • 1/2 Oz. Black Truffles
  • 1 tsp. Shallots
  • 1 C. Demi Glaze
  • 2 oz. Butter
  • 2 ea. Egg Yolks
  • TT Kosher Salt/ Pepper
  • 1 Tsp. Parsley (Finely Minced)
  • Caviar:
  • 1 tsp. Sodium Alginate
  • 14 oz. Water
  • 2 oz. Truffle (Pureed)
  • 1 tsp. Truffle Oil
  • 1 tsp. Calcium Chloride
  • 20 Oz. Water


  • -Mix the alginate with water, truffles, oil and blend evenly, know mix the chloride with water and mix until the chloride is dissolved, pour the alginate mixture into a dropper and start by slowly dropping one drop at a time into the chloride mixture; this will form small spears that resemble caviar. Hold and reserve. In a small saute pan add the mushrooms, shallots and saute until a paste consistency. In a small sauce pot add the demi glaze, bring to a simmer and finish with butter. Place the venison loin in the middle of the pastry and season, place the mushroom mixture on top and fold over the pastry (Cut the exes off)
  • Now whisk the yolks and brush over the pastry. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 min. remove and let rest for 5 min. pour the sauce in the middle of the plate and place the pastry on top, sprinkle the parsley around the plate and top the pastry with the truffle caviar.