
  • 1 lb or what ever you have left of hamburger already seasoned form taco night
  • 1 can left over refried beans from taco night
  • 1 cup left over salsa from taco night
  • 1 medium glass jar of Mexican creamy cheese from taco night
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • 1 can small can of black olives
  • 1 medium onion chopped and fried
  • 1 can white kidney beans rinsed off
  • 1 left over taco cheese
  • 1 packages croissant rolls
  • 1 dash pepper
  • 1 dash dried parsley
  • 1 dash sour cream if you like


  • oil your skillet then place a table spoon of butter let melt, put in hamburger and refried bean in skillet heat well.
  • then add in Mexican cheese heat that through.
  • in a different pan heat up onions and kidney beans when they are heated add cheese and alittle pepper..back to your skillet spread out your hamburger and refried bean to cover bottom add salsa and tomatoes more pepper if you like.Then cover that with kidney beans.
  • roll out you croissants and place them on the top around the skillet cover it all.
  • sprinkle with dried parsley bake on 350 for almost 30 minutes.
  • top with sour cream if you like
  • all you need is.a pan for the onions and kidney beans and a skillet for.
  • meat and refried beans then start to layer in the skillet then put the skillet right in the oven.