
  • 500 grams tuna steak
  • 100 grams sesame seeds
  • 50 milliliters soy sauce
  • 1 handful asparagus stems
  • 2 shallots
  • 2 chillies
  • 2 handfuls rocket
  • lemon oil
  • salt & pepper


  • Pour the soy sauce onto a deep plate, and place the tuna steak in the middle. Turning, to ensure both sides are coated and using a pastry brush to coat the edges.
  • Pour the sesame seeds into another deep plate, and move the soy covered steak onto the seeds. Again, turning to ensure that every inch is covered completely.
  • Now, de-seed and slice the chillies along with the shallots. Toss with lemon oil, add the asparagus stems and place in the oven at 180°C for 15 minutes.
  • Heat a glug of oil in a large frying pan and then place the steak into the pan.
  • Fry on each side for 4 minutes and then place on kitchen towel to dab off excess oil.
  • Place the rocket on a plate, then the grilled vegetables, then slice the tuna thinly and lay it on top of the vegetables.