
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 medium fennel bulb
  • 3 tablespoons minced shallots, divided
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic, divided
  • 1 tablespoon minced chives
  • 3/4 cup rice wine vinegar, divided
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper, divided
  • 3 tablespoons fennel seeds
  • 1/2 cup grapeseed or peanut oil
  • 1 tablespoon fresh orange juice
  • 6 (1-ounce) scallops
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • Garnish: fennel sprigs


  • Peel cucumber; cut in half lengthwise, seed, and thinly slice.
  • Trim and discard fennel bulb base. Trim stalks from bulb, discarding hard outside stalk. Cut bulb in half lengthwise, and cut crosswise into thin slices.
  • Stir together fennel, cucumber, 2 tablespoons shallots, 1/2 tablespoon garlic, chives, 1/2 cup rice wine vinegar, olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; let stand at room temperature 1 hour.
  • Place a small skillet over medium-high heat until hot; add fennel seeds, and cook, stirring constantly, 1 1/2 minutes or until toasted. (Be careful not to burn seeds; they will become bitter.)
  • Remove from pan. Reduce heat to medium. Process seeds in a blender until ground; return to pan. Stir in 1/2 cup grapeseed oil. Remove from heat; cool to room temperature.
  • Whisk together fennel-infused oil, remaining tablespoon shallots, remaining 1/2 tablespoon garlic, remaining 1/4 cup vinegar, remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and orange juice; set aside.
  • Sprinkle scallops with salt and pepper to taste. Heat 1 teaspoon olive oil in skillet over high heat until very hot. Add scallops, and cook 2 minutes. Turn, and cook 1 minute.
  • Arrange salad on individual plates; top each with a scallop. Whisk vinaigrette, and drizzle over salads. Garnish, if desired, and serve immediately.