Categories:Viewed: 35 - Published at: 7 years ago


  • 3 oz (75 g) Amaretti biscuits, crushed finely with a rolling pin
  • 1 lb (450 g) dark chocolate
  • 5 tablespoons liquid glucose (corn syrup may work, I'm not sure...)
  • 5 tablespoons rum
  • 1 pint (570 ml) double cream
  • To serve:
  • cocoa powder for dusting
  • chilled single pouring cream
  • 9 inch (23 cm) cake tin, lined with silicone paper/baking parchment and oiled


  • 1) Sprinkle the crushed biscuits over the base of the tin.
  • 2)Put the chocolate into a heatproof bowl with the liquid glucose/corn syrup (I think that will work) and the rum.
  • 3) Put the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and leave it until the chocolate has melted.
  • 4) Stir and take off the heat and leave the mixture to cool for 5 minutes or until it is warm.
  • 5) Beat the cream until slightly thickened, then fold half into the chocolate mixture and then fold that mixture into the rest of the cream.
  • 6) Spoon it into the tin and tap the tin to even the mixture out.
  • 7) Cover and refridgerate overnight.
  • 7) Cut around the edge of the torte, then tip it onto a plate.
  • 8) Dust the surface with sifted cocoa powder.