
  • 1 each pizza crust dough 10 oz package, refrigerated
  • 2 ounces prosciutto paper-thin slices
  • 8 ounces ricotta cheese part-skim
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest grated
  • 2 each nectarines or peeled peaches, pitted, thinly sliced
  • 3/4 cups grapes, seedless dark, seedless, halved
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon ground


  • Unroll dough and press evenly into an oiled 14 inch pizza pan (or 10x15 inch pan).
  • Bake on bottom rack in a 425 degree oven until crust is well browned, about 8 minutes.
  • Cut enough prosciutto into 1/4 inch strips to make 1/4 cup, set remainder aside.
  • Mix ricotta and lemon peel.
  • Drop in 1 tablespoon portions over crust.
  • Arrange nectarines, grapes, and prosciutto strips on crust.
  • Combine sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle over pizza.
  • Bake until fruit is hot to touch, about 5 minutes longer.
  • Accompany with remaining prosciutto.
  • Cut into wedges.
  • Serves 6.
  • Per serving: 234 calories (22% from fat), 5.6 grams fat, 487 m sodium, 17 mg cholesterol.
  • OMMENTS: A ready-to-cook refrigerated pizza crust, the base for the breakfast pastry, makes morning baking a snap.
  • In addition to the fruit pastry, offer more fresh grapes and nectarines for munching.