
  • 14 oz orecchiette pasta
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 14 oz mixed mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup vegetable stock
  • 1/2 cup light cream
  • 1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
  • 2 oz baby spinach
  • 3/4 cup shaved Parmesan cheese


  • Cook pasta in a large saucepan of boiling salted water according to package directions. Drain and return to pan.
  • Meanwhile, heat butter and oil in a medium saucepan on high heat. Cook mushrooms and garlic for 3 mins. Reduce heat to low and stir in stock. Cover and simmer for 5 mins.
  • Increase heat to medium. Add cream and thyme and simmer, uncovered, for 5 mins, until liquid reduces slightly. Stir in spinach. Add mushroom mixture to pasta and toss to combine. Season and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.