
  • 1 jar sauce Marina, I used Organic Portobello Mushroom pasta sauce this time.
  • 4 whole wheat tortilla 's, Look for the tortillas that need refrigerating. The shelf stable variety usually have additives to avoid. Mine are 365 Organic Whole Wheat Tortillas and they are only $2.00 a package.
  • 8 ounces italian chicken sausage Mild, I like to cook a batch of sausage ahead of time and keep it handy in the freezer. Check the ingredients of your sausage for unwanted additives.
  • italian seasoning Sprinkle of Organic
  • shredded mozzarella for melting
  • monterey jack Shredded, for creaminess
  • shredded sharp cheddar for extra flavor
  • 1 can pitted black olives ferrous gluconate free if you can get them
  • cheeses Note: Be sure the shredded, are the best quality you can get. I am amazed at the additives that are in shredded cheese sometimes!!


  • Pour the marina sauce in a pan and add the chicken sausage. My sausage is already cooked, so I just remove it from the freezer. If yours needs cooking, crumble and cook it in the pan before adding the marina sauce. Then slice the olives and add them to the mixture. We like lots of olives, so we used most of the whole can between the 4 pizzas. Adjust your quantity according to your taste for olives. Cook until some of the liquid evaporates and the sauce thickens.
  • Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees. When the oven is ready, pre-cook 2 tortilla's for 8-10 minutes on your pizza pan, just enough to crisp them up a little.
  • With a slotted spoon scoop out a quarter of the pizza mixture and spread it on one of the tortillas, being careful not to get too much liquid. I cook 2 of the pizzas at a time, so prepare the second one the same as the first.
  • Next add the shredded cheese. First sprinkle a light layer of the mozzarella cheese, second the Monterey Jack and then a really light sprinkle of the cheddar cheese. Follow with a sprinkle of the Italian seasoning.
  • Cook long enough for the cheese to melt, about 12 - 15 minutes.
  • Add fresh sliced tomatoes if you like them on your pizza.