Categories:Viewed: 4 - Published at: 6 years ago


  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 2 cups filtered hot water
  • 2/3 cup filtered room temperature water
  • 1 capsule psyllium hulls, 456 mg (I used Nature's Sunshine)
  • 1 pitted date
  • 1/2 teaspoon probiotic powder (I used Ultra Flora Synergy by Metagenics)


  • Add cashews and hot water to a bowl and cover with a towel. Soak for 1 hour.
  • Rinse and drain cashews and add to a high speed blender or food processor. Add room temperature water, pitted date and open psyllium hulls capsule and add to blender. Blend until creamy.
  • Pour cashew cream into a quart sized mason jar and stir in probiotic powder. Close with a lid and store in a warm dark place for 18-24 hours. You can put towels around it to keep it warm or stick in a cooler bag. After 24 hours taste yogurt, it should be slightly tangy. Place in the fridge to chill. Serve cold with fresh fruit.