
  • 4 to 6 pork chops
  • 1 pkg. bread cubes
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 3 to 4 celery stalks, chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • poultry seasoning
  • ground sage
  • 1 pkg. butter
  • 2 to 3 c. water


  • Place pork chops on bottom of 9 x 13-inch baking dish. In saucepan, slowly cook until tender the water, onion, celery and butter. Put bread cubes in a large bowl. Add onion and water mixture. Mix well. Add salt, pepper, sage and poultry seasoning to your taste. Put stuffing over pork chops. Cover with foil. Bake at 350° for 30 to 45 minutes.