Categories:Viewed: 62 - Published at: 5 years ago


  • Pastry for a 10-inch pie (see recipe)
  • 4 firm, ripe, unblemished apples such as MacIntosh or Delicious, about 1 1/2 pounds
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar


  • Prepare the pastry and refrigerate it.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  • Peel the apples, using a swivel-bladed paring knife.
  • Using a regular paring knife, cut away and d iscard th e stems and center coresof the apples.
  • Cut each apple into quarters.
  • Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface, preferably a cold surface.
  • Use a wooden rolling pin covered, preferably, with a pastry cloth.
  • Use the pastry to line a 10-inch loose-bottom tart pan.
  • Cut the apple quarters into thin slices.
  • Arrange the slices symmetrically in circles all around the inside of the pastry-lined tin and all around the center.
  • Continue making circles in layers until all the slices are used.
  • Dot the apples all over with butter and sprinkle the sugar evenly over all.
  • Place the tart pan in the oven and bake 50 minutes.
  • Hold a small sieve over the tart and add the confectioners' sugar.
  • Sprinkle it evenly over the tart.
  • Serve hot or cold.