Categories:Viewed: 63 - Published at: 4 years ago


  • 1 dozen egg, or
  • 1 large egg, per person plus extras


  • Place the eggs in a pot with enough cold salted water to cover.
  • Place over high heat and bring to a boil.
  • Boil for 5 minutes only, then take off the heat and let the eggs sit in the pot, covered, for an additional 10 minutes.
  • You'll get perfect hard boiled eggs using this method, without the outside of the yolk turning green.
  • Drain the water out and either run cold water in or use ice cubes.
  • If you don't cool them off quickly enough, they will develop a green skin between the yolk and the white.
  • Peel the eggs, quarter and plate them.
  • You can make these eggs a day or 2 ahead of Easter.
  • If you wish to dye them, purchase "Paas" dyes or another edible dye version and follow the package directions.