
  • One tablespoon of coconut oil
  • Hundred milliliters/ 0.4 fresh or frozen raspberries
  • A hundred and fifty milliliters / 0.6 cup fraiche yoghurt or you can use ordinary soy organic yoghurt (plain)
  • Peel of one organic lemon
  • Two to three teaspoons of agave or you can use maple syrup
  • Coconut Caves:
  • A hundred milliliters / 0.4 cup of almonds
  • Three hundred milliliters / 1.25 cup of grinded coconut
  • Hundred milliliters / 0.4 cup dates, (without stones)
  • One tablespoon of peanut butter
  • A dash of water, if necessary


  • Carefully heat the oil until fluid
  • Blend the products needed for the filling until you get a smooth mixture. Leave the filling in some coffee filter in your refrigerator minimum for 1 hour in order to become thicker.
  • Blend the almond until they are well grainy in your blender or grinder. At this point join the rest of the products needed for the coconut caves and mix them well until a nice mixture is gained (it shouldn't be very crumbly). Here you can use a dash of water.
  • Roll the almond mixture into little balls and then using your thumb make a space on every ball.
  • Apply the raspberry filling in the coconut caves with a spoon, pastry bag or simply cut one edge of a plastic bag.
  • Treat yourself!