
  • 5 tbsp unsalted butter, plus more for parchment and pan
  • 2/3 cup sifted plain flour (not self-rising)
  • 1/3 cup sifted cocoa powder, plus more for dusting
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • 6 large free-range eggs
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 12 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 5 tbsp heavy cream
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup chopped peppermint hard/crunch candy
  • 2/3 cups dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp heavy cream
  • 4 tbsp powdered sugar, sifted
  • 4-5 tbsp water, warm


  • 1. Heat oven to 350 C. Butter a 10.5 x 15.5 x 1 inch pan. Line with parchment; butter & flour paper, tapping out excess flour.
  • 2. Sift flour, cocoa & baking soda together in a bowl. Set aside. Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Skim off white foam, pour clear yellow butter into a bowl, discarding white liquid. Set aside in warm place.
  • 3. In a heat-proof bowl, whisk eggs & sugar. Set bowl over a pan of simmering water; stir until mixture is warm to touch & sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat, beat on high speed until mixture is thick & pale and has tripled in bulk. Reduce speed, add vanilla, and beat 2-3 minutes more. Sift flour mixture over egg mixture, folding in gently with spatula. While folding in last addition, dribble melted butter over batter & fold in.
  • 5. Spread batter evenly in pan, leaving behind any butter left in the bottom of the bowl. Tap pan on counter to remove air bubbles. Bake until cake springs back when touched in center, 15-20 minutes. Don't overbake or cake will crack. Sit in pan on a wire rack until cool enough to handle. Dust surface with cocoa. To make rolling easier, trim cake edges, cover with a sheet of waxed paper & a damp dish towel. Invert onto a work surface, peel off parchment; dust with cocoa. Starting from one long end, carefully roll up cake in towel. Wrap in plastic; refrigerate until ready to use.
  • Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat until smooth.
  • Place chocolate and cream in a bowl over simmering water. Sit for 2-3 mins to melt without stirring. Then slowly stir to combine. Add powdered sugar and mix. Add water 1 tbsp at a time, mixing after each addition until pouring consistency is reached. Set aside and let sauce cool to warm.
  • Unroll Genoise & spread filling to a 1/4 inch. Roll filled cake from end to end. Trim ends as needed for a clean finish. Place assembled roll on a serving plate and pour chocolate sauce on top.