
  • 1/2 milk
  • 7.4oz butter
  • 2T cocoa
  • 5.8 oz 73% dark chocolate discs
  • 1t vanilla ex.
  • 5lg egg yolks
  • 7oz 10X confectioners sugar
  • 2 1/2C heavy cream
  • 1 double shot espresso
  • 2C heavy cream
  • 1/2C sugar
  • 1T vanilla
  • 3 eggs
  • 3/4C sugar
  • 2C flour
  • 1 1/2 t baking powder
  • 1/2t cinnamon
  • 1 1/2C sliced almonds
  • 2t vanilla


  • on a double boiler conbine first five ingredients stirring constantly, until melted. Pull from heat and whisk in espresso. While cooling wisk yolks and confectioners sugar in an electric mixer. Add cooled chocolate mix and mix until smooth. in a second bowl mix cream on high until thick and fold in remaining mix and place in fridge to cool.
  • Mix all ingredients on high until slightly thickened.
  • Preheat oven to 350. Sift dry ingredients into mixing bowl. Whisk eggs and vanilla. Fold in dry ingredients. Roll into 2 even rolls & flatten slightly on a baking sheet. bake 25 min. & let cool. Slice diagonally about 1/3" and bake 15 more minutes.
  • To serve pipe mousse into cups about 3/4 full. pipe chantily to top of cups. grate chocolate on top w/micro-plane. serve w/ one biscotti on saucer.
  • mix all ingredients