
  • 125 ml boiling water
  • 100 g chopped dates
  • 3 ml bicarbonate of soda
  • 30 ml butter
  • 75 ml white sugar
  • 200 ml cake flour
  • 5 ml baking powder
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 50 g chopped walnuts
  • 125 ml white sugar
  • 125 ml hot water
  • 15 ml butter
  • 30 ml brandy
  • 3 ml vanilla extract


  • Pour boiling water over dates, set aside to soften.
  • Add bicarb, butter and sugar and blend well.
  • Sift dry ingredients together and fold into the date mixture.
  • Add egg and walnuts and mix.
  • Lightly grease a microwave pan and bake for 5 -6 minutes on 100% power.
  • For the syrup combine sugar, water and butter in a glass bowl and microwave on 100% power for 1 - 2 minutes until boiling point.
  • Stir in vanilla and brandy.
  • Pour hot syrup over warm tart.
  • Serve with cream.