
  • 1 lb. hamburger
  • 1 c. rice
  • 1 head cabbage, cut in bite size
  • 1 can stewed tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 c. grated cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • bell pepper
  • onion
  • water
  • butter


  • Brown
  • hamburger
  • with onion
  • and bell pepper.
  • Drain. Put meat
  • in
  • bottom
  • of casserole dish. Brown rice in 1 or 2 tablespoons
  • of
  • butter.
  • Sprinkle rice evenly over hamburger meat.
  • Salt rice as desired.
  • Put cabbage over rice (more salt if desired).
  • Pour
  • stewed
  • tomatoes with juice over cabbage; then one
  • can
  • water
  • over tomatoes.
  • Top with cheese.
  • Cover casserole and bake at 400° for 1 hour.