
  • 2 c. graham cracker crumbs
  • 1 stick butter, melted
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 c. confectioners sugar
  • 1 stick butter, at room temperature
  • 1 (No. 2) can crushed pineapple
  • 3 to 4 bananas
  • 1 large Cool Whip


  • Mix crumbs and melted butter.
  • Press into 8 x 12-inch pan. Beat until fluffy the eggs, confectioners sugar and butter (at room temperature).
  • Spread on crust.
  • Drain pineapple, spread on mixture, slice bananas and place over pineapple.
  • Spread Cool Whip over bananas.
  • Garnish with nuts and cherries, if desired. Refrigerate 3 to 4 hours.