
  • 1 (12 oz.) box vanilla wafers
  • 1 stick oleo
  • 1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
  • 1 can Eagle Brand milk
  • 2 Tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 (15 oz.) can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 (13 1/2 oz.) Cool Whip
  • 1/2 c. chopped nuts
  • maraschino cherries


  • Crush 3/4 box vanilla wafers; pour melted oleo over.
  • Press in a 13 x 9-inch pan.
  • Use rest of wafers to go around sides of pan. Mix cream cheese, milk and lemon juice with mixer until smooth and spread on crust.
  • Chill 30 minutes.
  • Spread pineapple over filling.
  • Place sliced bananas over this.
  • Cover with Cool Whip. Decorate with pecans and cherries.
  • Chill at least 8 hours.