Category: doves
Learn doves - Recipes
  1. Grilled Dove - bacon

    Ingredients baconlemon pepperZesty Italian dressing6 dovesbacon stripsMethodDress doves.Mix lemon pepper and Zesty Italian dressing. Marinade doves for 4 hours, then wrap doves with bacon strips and cook on gri...Learn More
    baconlemon pepperItalian dressing
  2. Dove A La Papiot - doves

    Ingredients 12 doves or quailsalt and pepper3 chopped onionsonion tops, chopped2 chopped bell peppers1 1/2 lb. sausage12 bacon stripscooking sherryMethodClean birds and season with salt and pepper.Fill cavities...Learn More
  3. Dutch Oven Dove - doves

    Ingredients 24 doves, dressed6 slices bacon, cut in halfsalt and pepper6 tablespoons flour2 cans beef bouillon4 (4 ounce) cans mushrooms1 bay leaf2 cloves1/2 cup sherry wineparsley, choppedMethodSaute bacon in ...Learn More
  4. 14 Dove Puttach - doves

    Ingredients 14 doves, plucked, gutted, cut in half, toenails trimmedoz.bottle red winecajun sausage (optional)3 small onions, chopped4 garlic cloves, crushed2 tablespoons rosemary, chopped12 cup fresh basil lea...Learn More
    dovesred wineCajun sausage