
  • 12 ounces asparagus reserve tips
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 ounces chicken cooked
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 6 tablespoons light cream (half&half)
  • 18 teaspoon salt
  • 18 teaspoon black pepper to taste
  • 1 each oranges juiced and zest (in largish pieces) separated
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 x salt to taste
  • 1 x black pepper to taste
  • 1 x orange segments for garnish


  • Trim off tips of asparagus to and even height and set aside.
  • Cook the spears in well salted boiling water for several minutes, then transfer to ice water and cool quickly.
  • Remove and pat dry with toweling.
  • Place the asparagus spears in a food processor with 2 eggs, chicken, sour cream, half and half, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Process until the mixture is smooth.
  • Butter stainless steel rings (2 1/2 inches in diameter) that are roughly 2 1/2 inches high.
  • Place in a roasting dish or pan that will perform as a baine marie.
  • Cook the asparagus tips (just barely) and cool in ice water.
  • Preheat oven to 400F (200C).
  • Line the circumference of the rings with tips, spaced evenly, so that about 1/2 inch sticks above the ring.
  • Ladle the mousse into the rings taking care that the asparagus tips remain in place.
  • Pour boiling water into the roasting pan to about 13 of the height of the rings.
  • Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, in a small pot, blanch the orange zest to remove bitterness.
  • Remove then add the orange juice and 1/2 of the zest to the pot, bring to the boil and reduce until syrupy.
  • Add butter in small amounts, whisking constantly and season with salt or pepper.
  • Remove from heat and keep warm.
  • Transfer rings of mousse to a serving plate.
  • Use a sharp knife to run around the ring to help loosen the mousse and remove the rings upward.
  • Pour the orange butter around the mousse.
  • Garnish with the remaining orange zest and orange segments.
  • Serve immediately.
  • reduce the orange juice along with the orange zest