
  • Ingredients:
  • -1 cup of Basmati Rice, rinsed in strainer
  • -Butter : 1.5 tablespoons
  • -Scotch: around 1 tablespoon (Sherry may be substituted.)
  • -Louisiana Hot Sauce: several generous squirts
  • -Rich Homemade Chicken Stock (OR 2-3 Chicken Bouillon cubes dissolved in hot water with other liquids.).
  • -Soya sauce: a few tablespoons. Use a salt-reduced version, such as Kikoman Light--otherwise the broth becomes too salty, especially if using bouillon cubes, instead of homemade stock.
  • -Onion Powder: about 1 teaspoon
  • -Sweet Basil: 1 tablespoon or so
  • -Paprika: 1.5 teaspoons
  • -Tumeric: a pinch
  • -Ground Coriander: a pinch
  • -Dried Parsley: 3 tablespoons


  • 1) Rinse rice in strainer, and set aside.
  • 2) Place all liquids, butter, and spices in saucepan with tight fitting lid. Bring to vigorous boil, stirring frequently to blend liquids and spices.
  • 3) Add rice, stirring all the while to keep rice from sticking to bottom of pan. When rice and liquid mixture are boiling again, stir once more, then place lid on pot. Turn down to simmer (I use lowest setting on stovetop element.) Set timer for 20 minutes. Do not remove lid.
  • 4) After 20 minutes, remove from heat. Do not remove the saucepan lid. Set timer for an additional 10 minutes.
  • 5) After the additional 10 minutes have elapsed, remove lid, and fluff rice with fork. Serve.