Category: oil of cinnamon
Learn oil of cinnamon - Recipes
  1. Crystal Candy - sugar

    Ingredients 4 c. sugar1 c. water1 c. corn syrup5 drops red food coloring3/4 tsp. oil of cinnamon (may be purchased at drug store)MethodCombine sugar, water and syrup in a large Dutch oven.Bring to a boil over m...Learn More
    sugarwatercorn syrup
  2. Pickled Watermelon Rind - watermelon

    Ingredients 1 watermelonboiling water7 c. sugar2 c. vinegar1/2 tsp. oil of cloves1/2 tsp. oil of cinnamon1 small orange1 lemonMethodDay 1:Use the rind from firm but not overripe watermelon. Trim off the green s...Learn More
    watermelonboiling watersugar
  3. Sweet Pickled Watermelon Rind - watermelon rind

    Ingredients 7 lb. watermelon rind4 lb. sugar1 pt. vinegar1/2 tsp. oil of cloves1/2 tsp. oil of cinnamonMethodPare rind from watermelon.Cover with water and simmer until tender, about 1/2 hour.Drain.Make syrup b...Learn More
    watermelon rindsugarvinegar
  4. Cucumber Rings - cukes

    Ingredients 1 1/2 gal. cukes, peeled2 c. lime1 1/2 qt. vinegar1 Tbsp. salt1/2 tsp. oil of cloves8 c. sugar1/2 tsp. oil of cinnamongreen food coloringMethodCut peeled cucumbers into slices.Cut out centers.Throw ...Learn More
  5. Crock-Pot Apple Butter - applesauce

    Ingredients 8 c. applesauce5 c. sugar3 Tbsp. vinegar1/2 tsp. oil of cinnamonMethodMix first 3 ingredients well and put in crock-pot....Learn More
  6. Watermelon Pickles Of Grandma Frances Messner - sugar

    Ingredients 3 qt. prepared watermelon rinds7 c. sugar2 c. white vinegar1/2 tsp. oil of cloves1/2 tsp. oil of cinnamonMethodTo prepare watermelon rinds, you will need to remove all pink fruit and dark green peel...Learn More
    sugarwhite vinegaroil
  7. Best Ever Watermelon Pickle Rind - watermelon rind

    Ingredients 7 lb. peeled watermelon rind, cut into small to medium chunks3 1/2 lb. sugar1 pt. white vinegar1/2 tsp. oil of cloves (purchase at drug store)1/4 tsp. oil of cinnamon (purchase at drug store)MethodC...Learn More
    watermelon rindsugarwhite vinegar