Categories:Viewed: 27 - Published at: 9 years ago


  • 7 oz potatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped
  • 2 cups milk
  • 12 oz boneless skinless white fish fillet
  • 1 small white onion, coarsely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, quartered
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup sour cream


  • Boil, steam or microwave potatoes until tender; drain. Cool.
  • Meanwhile, bring milk to a boil in a large nonstick skillet. Add fish; return to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, uncovered, until fish is cooked through, turning once during cooking.
  • When fish is cool enough to handle, flake into a food processor. Process with potato and remaining ingredients until mixture forms a smooth paste. Place brandade in serving bowl. Cover; refrigerate for 30 mins. Serve with crusty bread.