
  • 1 Burdock root (seasonal ones are sweet)
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 200 ml Vegetable bouillon or dashi stock
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 200 ml Soy milk
  • 50 ml Heavy cream (optional - if you are on a macrobiotic diet, use soy milk, rice cream, or amaaake)
  • 1 tbsp White sesame paste
  • 1 tbsp White miso
  • 1 Salt and pepper


  • Wash the burdock root with a kitchen brush.
  • Cut in half.
  • Slice 1/2 of it diagonally and thinly or shred.
  • Soak in water with vinegar.
  • Slice the rest of it lengthways with a vegetable peeler for the chips.
  • Heat oil in a sauce pan and fry the onion and burdock root.
  • When the burdock root is translucent add the salt.
  • Continue to fry until wilted.
  • Add the bouillon or dashi stock and cook until the burdock root is cooked through.
  • (Finish this step the night before.
  • You will just put everything into a food processor next morning!)
  • Transfer 3 into a food processor and blend with ingredients until smooth.
  • Put the mixture back into the sauce pan and reheat over a low heat to ensure that the soup does not boil.
  • Burdock root crisps: Heat the oil to 160C.
  • Pat dry the burdock root slices very well and put them into the oil.
  • Deep-fry slowly until crispy.
  • How to make them without deep-frying: Mix the burdock root slices well with salt, pepper and 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Arrange 6 onto a piece of paper towels and microwave for 4 minutes without covering.
  • Turn over and microwave for a further 1 to 2 minutes until crispy.
  • In the oven Mix them with salt and oil and cook in the oven at 200C for 20 minutes until crispy.
  • This really brings out the concentrated flavour of the vegetables, as if they've been dried.