
  • Ingredients
  • Peel/zest of 1 large sweet orange (preferably organic), in strips
  • Peel/zest of 1 lemon (preferably organic), in strips
  • Peel/zest of 1 lime (preferably organic), in strips
  • 1 (750 millileters) bottle of dry rose or dry white wine
  • 1/3 cup cognac
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 1/3 cup sparkling water (sodium-free)


  • 1. Use only the skins of the fruits, making sure to exclude the pith (white part), as it will make your vin d'orange exceedingly bitter if you don't.
  • 2. Mix all ingredients together. Push the citrus peels into a quart-size glass jar or bottle, and then use a funnel to add the wine, cognac, sugar and sparkling water. Cover tightly, and refrigerate for one week or longer.
  • 3. When ready to serve, strain wine through a sieve and serve with some (or all!) of the 13 Desserts of Provence. Or just serve the wine with any other sweets. Try vin d'orange with sharp cheeses and different dried sausages for something different.