Categories:Viewed: 30 - Published at: 3 years ago


  • 2 or 3 ripe tomatoes
  • 5 c. milk
  • salt
  • flour
  • shortening
  • pepper


  • Morbus Sabbaticus or Sunday Sickness is a disease peculiar to church members.
  • The attack comes on suddenly on Sundays.
  • No symptoms are felt on Saturday night.
  • The patient sleeps well, awakes feeling well and eats a hearty breakfast.
  • But about church time, the attack comes on and continues until services are over for the morning.
  • Then the patient usually feels better by noon and is able to function normally the rest of the day.
  • None of the symptoms return until the next Sunday.
  • The peculiar features are as follows: spread until all family members are affected.