Download Smoked trout, grilled zucchini and hazelnuts with kasundi tomato relish - Quick & easy
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8 smoked trout fillets

4 zucchini

Olive oil


1 bunch watercress, tops picked and washed

1/2 bunch mint, leaves picked and washed

Lemon juice

200g hazelnuts, roasted and skin rubbed off, then chopped in half

8 tbsp kasundi tomato relish

For kasundi tomato relish

125g fresh ginger, peeled and chopped

60g garlic cloves

30g green chillies, seeds removed

250ml malt vinegar

125ml vegetable oil

45g black mustard seeds

15g ground turmeric

40g ground cumin

40g smoked paprika

5g hot paprika

1kg tomatoes, fresh or tinned, pureed

125g brown sugar

20g salt


Cut zucchini lengthways into 4 slices. Brush with oil and sprinkle with salt, then grill until slightly soft and well coloured. Put aside.

Break each trout fillet into 3 and place on a plate.

Dress the watercress and mint with a little olive oil and lemon juice.

Place 3 pieces of zucchini and a few hazelnuts around the trout. Spoon small amounts of relish around the plate. Top with cress and mint.

For kasundi tomato relish (make before trout)

Place ginger, garlic, chillies and 50ml of vinegar in a food processor and puree to a smooth paste.

Heat oil, add dry spices and cook on a medium heat for 5 minutes. Add ginger and garlic paste and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Add tomatoes, sugar, salt and remaining vinegar and simmer for an hour. When the oil comes to the top and the relish looks like a curry sauce, it is ready. Pour into sterilised jars and seal while still hot.