Categories:Viewed: 58 - Published at: 8 years ago


  • 1 enormous or 2 large radishes (to have equal parts radish and turnip)
  • 1 white baby turnip
  • a small sprig of dill
  • a small sprig of thyme or savory
  • a small sprig of tarragon or chervil
  • pumpkin seed oil
  • cider vinegar
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons toasted pepitas (green hulled pumpkin seeds)
  • fine finishing salt - I used Molokai Red to keep with the color scheme!


  • Note: This is a pretty loose recipe, just eyeball everything to make it pretty and it will work out perfectly. That's a promise!
  • Clean radish(es) and scrub turnip. Cut the leaf end off the radishes. Using a mandoline slice the radishes into very thin slices. They should be pliable and translucent. Cut the leaf end off the turnip. Slice the turnip in the same fashion as the radishes.
  • Arrange the slices in an attractive, overlapping pattern. A round spiraling design works well on a round plate, and rows work well on square.
  • Remove small fronds from the dill, leaves from the thyme/savory, and leaves from the tarragon/chervil and scatter them evenly over the radish and turnip slices. Drizzle a small amount of the pumpkin seed oil over the salad. Drizzle a similar amount of the cider vinegar over the salad. Scatter the peptitas evenly over the salad. Sprinkle with a pinch or two of finishing salt. Serve.