
  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 4 crushed garlic cloves
  • 3 peppercorns
  • 3/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 large Spanish or yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 large Yukon Gold potatoes (2 to 3 pounds), peeled
  • 1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme


  • In saucepan, bring cream, gar-lic, pep-per-corns, thyme, and salt to just under boil; reduce heat to low, cover and sim-mer for 15 min-utes. Remove from heat; set aside.
  • Heat your oven to 300° F.
  • Mean-while, in skil-let, heat oil over medium-low heat and cook onion, stir-ring often, until light brown, about 45 min-utes. Slice pota-toes as thinly as pos-si-ble (using a man-do-line if avail-able).
  • Layer 1/4 of the pota-toes in greased about 8 x 12-inch glass bak-ing or casse-role dish; top with 1/3 of the onion and 1/4 of the cheese. Repeat twice. Top with remain-ing pota-toes. Strain cream mix-ture over pota-toes, shak-ing casse-role to dis-trib-ute evenly. Sprin-kle with remain-ing cheese.
  • Bake in 300° F oven on a baking sheet (to catch drips) until ten-der and a knife inserted into the dish pierces pota-toes eas-ily, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. (Make-ahead: Let cool, then cover and refrig-er-ate for up to 2 days. Reheat, tented with tin foil, in 375° F oven for 30 minutes.)
  • Tip: For a lighter ver-sion, steep gar-lic, pep-per-corns, thyme, and salt in 2 cups of (500 mL) milk. Then make bechamel sauce: In saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons but-ter over medium-low heat. Add 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour. Cook, stir-ring, for 1 minute. Whisk in strained milk mix-ture, and sim-mer everything for 5 min-utes until slightly thickened. Pour over pota-toes.