Categories:Viewed: 63 - Published at: 5 years ago


  • For 4 people:


  • - Place salmon in pan, cover it with water. Add optional seasonings for taste. Add salt and pepper.
  • - Bring to a boil. Turn heat off as soon as it starts boiling. Leave fish in water for about 20 minutes.
  • - While the fish is cooking, clean mushrooms, slice thinly (ideal, julienne them, i.e. cut the slices into little sticks) and cook in two tablespoons of butter.
  • - chop shallots, put them in a pan with white wine, parsley, and 1/2 cup of water.
  • - Simmer this sauce for 20 mn until it is reduced to about half
  • - wash the sorrel or spinach (or use frozen spinach). Cook it in 2 tablespoons butter, add salt and pepper.
  • - Away from the heat, add to the wine reduction the rest of the butter, cut into small pieces. Add the sorrel/spinach, and the mushrooms.Check seasoning.
  • - drain all the water from the fish, put it on a serving dish, cover with the sauce.
  • - serve with potatoes or rice.