
  • 60 ml Milk
  • 20 ml Lukewarm water
  • 4 grams Matcha
  • 2 grams Powdered gelatin
  • 1 tbsp Water
  • 1 small Egg yolk
  • 15 grams Granulated sugar
  • 60 ml Heavy cream
  • 80 grams Sakura an
  • 90 ml Milk
  • 10 grams Granulated sugar
  • 3 grams Powdered gelatin
  • 1 tbsp Water
  • 60 ml Heavy cream
  • 5 flowers Salt preserved sakura
  • 33 grams Cake flour
  • 40 grams Granulated sugar
  • 2 Egg yolk
  • 2 Egg white
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Milk
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Vegetable oil


  • 1) Prepare the sponge cake.
  • Crack the egg yolks in a bowl, whisk gently, and add half the listed amount of granulated sugar until thick.
  • Add milk and vegetable oil in that order.
  • Mix after each addition, well each time you introduce a new ingredient.
  • Sift in cake flour, and mix until well-incorporated.
  • Place the egg whites in a separate bowl, add the rest of the granulated sugar, and whisk until a firm yet glossy meringue forms.
  • Add in one scoop of the meringue from Step 3 into the bowl from Step 2, and combine together with circular motions.
  • Mix in the remaining portion of the meringue in two batches with a rubber spatula.
  • Pour the batter into a 20 x 25 cm pan and flatten the surface.
  • Bake for 10 minutes in a oven heated to 180C.
  • Once baked, cool the cake in the pan.
  • Cut out the sponge cake with a 6 cm diameter cookie cutter.
  • Wrap a clear acetate cake wrap around it.
  • 2) Prepare the matcha mousse.
  • Whip the heavy cream until soft peaks form (you can just whip up 130 ml of the heavy cream to use for the sakura mousse as well).
  • Pour the milk into a pot and heat over medium until warm to the touch.
  • Mix in the matcha dissolved in warm water.
  • Bloom the gelatin by shaking in the powder into 1 tablespoon of water.
  • Warm up the mixture for 10 seconds or so in the microwave.
  • Pour into Step 8, mix, then turn off the heat.
  • Place the bowl with the egg yolks over a bain-marie, add in granulated sugar, and whip until it forms a thick ribbon when the whisk is lifted.
  • Then, mix in the milk mixture from Step 9.
  • Once it has cooled down, add half the whipped cream from Step 7, mix, and pour into the cylindrical cake wraps with the sponge cake circles.
  • Chill in refrigerator to set.
  • 3) Prepare the sakura mousse.
  • Combine the sakura an paste and milk in a pot, mix well, and warm.
  • Add the gelatin powder into 1 tablespoon of water to bloom.
  • Warm in the microwave for approximately 10 seconds, add to Step 12, and mix.
  • Once cooled, mix in the remaining whipped cream from Step 7 and pour into the cake wrap cylinders.
  • Chill to set.
  • Once the mousse starts to firm up, decorate the tops with de-salted salt preserved sakura blossoms.
  • You're all done when the mousse has set completely.