
  • 2 envelope yeast
  • 3 cup whole milk
  • 1 white flour
  • 1 buttermilk
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 dash salt
  • 1 lb ground meat - venicine is great but beef or turkey works too
  • 1 dash Worshestire sauce
  • 1 dash salt
  • 1 dash pepper
  • 1 dash soy sauce
  • 1 dash paprika
  • 1 pinch parsley
  • 2 medium onions


  • Warm milk to about 110F - so it's warm to the touch, but not boiling!
  • Add yeast to warm milk, wisk well
  • Add salt, sugar, and a few tablespoons flour, wisk together well
  • Let sit in a warm place, prehearing your oven to 200 and then turning it off works pretty well.
  • Let sit at least an hour, up to five of you have the time
  • Then comes the fun part, start adding flour, and splashes of warm buttermilk.
  • Work the dough with your hands until it becomes solid and elastic, and not too sticky.
  • While working the dough, hold a chunk of room temperature butter in your hand
  • I know the butter on the fist is a tad unorthodox but my grandmother promises it's the best way and the dough came out amazing
  • For the filling, simply saute the meat and the onions, add the spices, and you're good to go.
  • If the meat is fatty, drain off some fat.
  • Lots of other filling options will work - mashed potatos with fried onions, hard boiled eggs with green onions and mustard, or just some strawberry jam.
  • Brush with a whisked egg.
  • Bake for about twenty minutes at 375 F until golden brown.