
  • Ingredients
  • . 2oz/50g butter
  • . 2 carrots
  • . 1 leek
  • . 2 sticks celery
  • . 1 large butternut squash
  • . 1/2 medium onion
  • . 3 cloves of garlic
  • . 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • . 1200ml chicken/vegetable stock
  • . 4floz/110ml pouring cream


  • 1. Begin by peeling and chopping all of the vegetables into chunky pieces.
  • 2. Select a large saucepan and slowly melt the butter.
  • 3. Add in all of the vegetables and mix thoroughly and continue to pan roast them for 6-8 minutes. Adding a little cinnamon at this stage will give the vegetables a nice spiced flavour.
  • 4. Continue to keep a constant stir on the vegetables to prevent them from sticking to the saucepan.
  • 5. Season lightly at this stage.
  • 6. Next you need to add in the cream and 2/3 of the stock.
  • 7. Bring this entire mixture to the boil and then reduce the heat to a constant simmer.
  • 8. Simmer for the next 15-20 minutes or until all of the vegetables have softened.
  • 9. Blitz the soup until smooth, adjusting the consistency with the remaining stock as required.
  • 10. Taste the soup and season accordingly. If you wish you can add a little additional Cinnamon at this stage.
  • 11. Serve the soup in a small bowl or china teacup with a swirl of either cream or creme fraiche lighted spiced with ground cinnamon.
  • Additional Notes:
  • If you wish you can add in a cinnamon stick with the vegetables at the beginning and remove it before the blitzing stage.