
  • 4 fresh eggs
  • 1 pinch sugar
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 250 g mascarpone
  • 350 g strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons kirsch
  • 30 sponge cake fingers
  • 4 ripe apricots
  • 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped hazelnuts


  • Separate the egg whites and yolks.
  • Whisk the whites until stiff with a pinch of sugar.
  • Set aside.
  • Whisk the yolks with the caster sugar until the mixture becomes pale, thick and creamy.
  • Split open the vanilla pod with a sharp knife, scoop out the seeds and add to the yolk mixture.
  • Whisk in the mascarpone, then gently fold the whisked egg whites into the mascarpone mixture and set aside.
  • Whizz a quarter of the strawberries, spoon into a wide shallow bowl, add the Kirsch and dilute with about the same amount of water to make a thin syrup.
  • Quickly dip about half the sponge fingers into the syrup and arrange them in the bottom of a large bowl or deep glass dish.
  • Spoon over half the mascarpone and egg mixture.
  • Cover with a second layer of syrup-dipped sponge fingers (you may need to add a bit more Kirsch and water to the syrup).
  • Spoon over the rest of the mascarpone cream.
  • Chill for at least two hours.
  • Stone and quarter the apricots.
  • To finish, arrange the strawberries and apricots on top of the tiramisu and scatter over the hazelnuts.