Categories:Viewed: 75 - Published at: 2 years ago


  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 1/4 cups tepid water (not hot)
  • 1/2 ounce yeast (2 packages)
  • 7 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


  • Put the sugar in a small glass bowl and add about half of the water. Sprinkle the yeast on the surface of the water and do not stir. Allow to set while measuring the rest of the ingredients. The yeast, water and sugar will begin to get a little foamy.
  • Meanwhile measure the flour, salt and baking powder into a pile on a large sturdy work surface. Combine the dry ingredients together a little with your finger tips. Don't worry, it will all get thoroughly mixed later.
  • Make a hollow in the center of your pile of flour-like the middle of a volcano. Now, give your sugar, water and yeast a quick stir and pour it into the center of your flour volcano. Be careful that it doesn't get away from you. Now with your finger tips, move it all around until the liquid is pretty much soaked up. Then add the remaining water in the same way.
  • You should have a messy wad of ingredients that you can get your hands into. Work all remaining flour into the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. If it's obviously too dry, make a small indent in the dough and add a couple tablespoons more water and work it inches If it's too sticky, toss a little flour on the surface and work it inches You can tell when it's right if you pick it up by one side and it very slowly stretches on its own. It's right when it feels really nice to work.
  • Now, the fun part. Here's where you get your therapy. Kneed the dough for a full five minutes. Fold it. Turn it. Push it. Punch it. Really work it. If you don't cheat on this part, you'll have a really nice consistency in your bread.
  • After your five minutes of fun, form it into a little mound, cut an X in the top with a knife and pop it in an oiled bowl and cover with a damp towel. Let it sit in a warm place for 2-3 hours or until doubled in size.
  • Heat your oven to about 400°F When dinner is about 30 minutes away, turn your dough out on your work surface, punch it down and kneed it for a minute. Divide it in half with a knife and form two mounds. Oil a cookie sheet or large baking tray. Stretch your dough into a 16-18 inch round. It will be about 1/2 inches thick. Don't worry about getting it perfect. Just stretch it however you like.
  • Pop the first one in the oven for about 15 minutes or until golden. Remove the tray and turn the flat bread bottom up to cool just a bit. Form another round and bake the second one while you enjoy the first. You'll need the second!
  • You can slice this flat bread if you like, but it's much more fun if you just tear it apart! This easy bread recipe goes great with stews, soups, salads, beans, meats, pastas almost anything.