
  • 1 1/2 cup sweet biscuits - crushed
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp grated lemon rind
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp flour - sifted
  • 500 grams cottage cheese


  • NOTE : have all ingredients at room temp and preheat oven to 160C .
  • lightly grease a 20cm spring form pan or as i did in my case , lightly grease muffin tray holes or other trays .
  • BASE : place crushed biscuits into a bowl and add the sugar and mix well to combine , next add the melted butter and mix thoroughly to combine all .
  • now press prepared crumb mixture into prepared greased spring form pan all over the bottom and half up the sides and set in refrigerator to set while making the filling .
  • NOTE : i spread the prepared mixture into lightly greased little muffin trays and a long thin lightly greased tray , as my kids preferred i made little ones , and placed in refrigerator to set .
  • TO MAKE FILLING : place all remaining ingredients into a large bowl and blend until smooth and creamy .
  • ASSEMBLE and COOK LARGE ONE : take the prepared chilled spring form pan biscuit bases out of the refrigerator and fill with the prepared cheese mixture .
  • now place in preheat oven for 50 minutes to an hour or until center is set .
  • once cooked remove from heat and let cool completely before removing from pan , once cooled remove from spring form pan , place in fridge to till needed .
  • served chilled .
  • enjoy .
  • ASSEMBLE and COOK INDIVIDUAL LITTLE ONES : take the chilled prepared base muffin tray out of the refrigerator and evenly fill with the prepared cheese mixture over bases , then place in preheated oven for 35 minutes or until center is set .
  • take the long thin one out of the refrigerator and fill with the prepared cheese mixture and place in preheat oven for 40 - 45minutes or until center is set .
  • once they are cooked remove from heat and let cool completely .
  • once cooled completely remove from trays and place in refrigerator until needed .
  • serve cold with cream or fruit of your choice .
  • enjoy .
  • :-) .
  • i had a little extra filling mixture that could have been added to the little muffin tray but i wasn't sure so i made little cottage cheese bites lol no base just the cheese mixture baked for 25 - 30 minutes or until center is set , let cool completely before removing from trays , once removed place in refrigerator until needed .
  • serve cold .
  • enjoy .
  • :-) .