
  • 1 1/2 cups dried cranberry beans, soaked overnight or quick-soaked (see box, page 59)
  • 5 quarts cold water
  • 2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and diced into 1/2-inch cubes (about 5 cups)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon dried peperoncino (hot red pepper flakes), or to taste
  • 3 ounces smoked bacon, cut in 1-inch pieces (about 1/2 cup packed)
  • 1 tablespoon (packed) fresh rosemary leaves, stripped from the stem
  • 8 plump garlic cloves, peeled (about 1/4 cup)
  • 1 pound bony fresh pork: a small slab of spare ribs, pork hock, or pork neck (for more meat to eat, see below)
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
  • 1 cup canned San Marzano tomatoes and juices (see box, page 124)
  • 2 teaspoons salt, plus more to taste
  • A heavy-bottomed soup pot, 8-quart capacity, with a cover
  • A food processor for the pestata


  • Drain the soaked beans and put them in the pot with the water, potatoes, bay leaves, and peperoncino.
  • Cover, and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally so nothing scorches on the bottom of the pot.
  • While the water is heating, make the pestata in the food processor, chopping the bacon, rosemary, and garlic to a fine paste.
  • Scrape every bit into the soup pot.
  • Rinse in hot water the spare ribs, pork hock, or other bony pork, and add it to the pot too.
  • When the water is at a full boil, set the cover on ajar; adjust the heat to maintain a steady gentle boiling, and cook for an hour to 1 1/2 hours, until the beans and the potatoes are tender and are beginning to break apart.
  • Skim the fat or residue from the pork now and then, as it collects on the surface.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the soffritto.
  • Pour the oil into a small skillet, stir in the onion, and set over medium heat.
  • Cook the onion, stirring, until wilted, about 6 minutes.
  • Crush the tomatoes into bits with your hands, and pour them with all the juices into the skillet.
  • Stir in the 2 teaspoons salt, and simmer rapidly for about 5 minutes, until the juices have reduced a bit.
  • When the beans are tender, pour the tomato mixture into them, dipping the skillet into the soup pot to slosh out every bit, and keep the minestra boiling.
  • Cook the minestra for another hour or more, 2 1/2 to 3 hours total, until the volume has reduced to about 4 quarts (about midway up an 8-quart pot, when you take out any bones and meat).
  • If theres too much broth, raise the heat and cook uncovered, but stir frequently to prevent burning.
  • Taste the soup when reduced, and correct seasoning.
  • Take some of the base for a finished soup now if you want, or let the whole pot cool.
  • Before using or storing, lift out the pork bones, pick off all the meat, shred it, and stir into the base; pick out the bay leaves and discard.
  • Keep the soup refrigerated for 3 or 4 days, or freeze, in filled and tightly sealed containers, for 4 to 6 months
  • I will often add extra pork pieces to the big minestra pot for an hour of so of cooking, then serve the meat as a separate course.
  • If your pot is big enough, you should be able to drop in a pound or more of meat, either bony spare ribs or hocks, or meatier cuts, such as pork butt or country-style ribs, in addition to the ones already cooking with the soup.
  • Italian sausages and kielbasa are also great cooked this way.
  • Wash meat well with hot water before, or you might give it a quick boil before adding to the pot.
  • You can cook such main-course meat anytime the minestra is perking away, though it will take on the best flavor after youve added the tomato-onion soffritto and salt.
  • Remove the meat when tender, keep warm until ready, slice, and serve on a plattermoistened with a ladle of delicious minestra broth.
  • If you prefer a vegetarian minestra, flavor it during the long cooking with an herb pesto instead of the bacon pestata: in the food processor, chop the garlic and rosemary in 1/4 cup of extra-virgin olive oil, and scrape this into the soup pot as it comes to the boil.
  • Then just follow the recipes for the base and any of the finished minestre.