Categories:Viewed: 58 - Published at: 3 years ago


  • 16 Gyoza dumplings
  • 300 grams Bread (strong) flour
  • 15 grams Sugar
  • 3 grams Salt
  • 4 grams Dry yeast
  • 10 grams Butter
  • 50 ml + 150 ml Milk and water


  • Put all the ingredients except for the gyoza dumplings in the case of the bread machine, and run the dough-kneading program until the first rising is done.
  • Take the dough out of the machine and deflate it.
  • Divide the dough into 16 pieces.
  • Prepare the gyoza dumplings ready.
  • (I use gyoza dumplings that I've made in advance and stocked in the freezer.)
  • Flatten the dough and wrap the gyoza dumplings in it.
  • Form the dough as you would normally form a gyoza dumpling, making folds along the edge.
  • Pinch the seam tightly to close it.
  • Leave to rise again for the 2nd rising, until the rolls have approximately doubled in size.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 C, then lower it to 160 C. Bake the rolls for 14 minutes.